What kinds of articles can I contribute?
You can write (almost) whatever you want. Types of contributor submissions typically fall into four categories:
- News stories
- Opinion pieces
- Film, music or theatre reviews or previews
- Special features
How long should it be?
Submissions should be 400 to 600 words in length. Bigger stories, such as special features, should first be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief.
Contributor guidelines
News stories should be written in the journalistic style. That means keeping your own voice and opinion out of the story and relying on others to tell the story for you with quotes and information. Stick to the facts and write it straight – but keep it interesting by looking for compelling stories.
Opinion pieces are just that – your clearly stated and substantiated opinion. You should back up your thoughts with facts and support your arguments with real-world examples whenever possible. It’s a little more casual than an argumentative essay, but it still needs to pack a punch and rely on facts.
Film, music and theatre reviews allow you to retell an experience you (recently) had at a show around town, in the movie theatre or at a local playhouse. Catch a show from TRU’s Actors Workshop Theatre or swing by the Kamloops Film Society’s Paramount Theatre. Analyze, interpret and review what you saw, and add other insights for a reader who might be looking for the same experience.
What’s in it for me?
Getting your work published gives you a clipping you can show future employers. Even if your future work doesn’t revolve around writing, you still demonstrated that you were active and involved in your university community.
Conflict of interest
Because we’re doing journalism here, you should disclose any potential conflicts of interest you might have related to the story you’re pitching to us. We follow the ethics guidelines laid out by the Canadian Association of Journalists.
Want to get started? Looking for more information? Pitch your story or ask for more information from our Editor-in-Chief.