Journalism and Communication Club aims to make news

Former journalism peer mentors want you to help make headlines.

Read all about it: TRUSU Journalism and Communication Club is looking for new members and wants you to join today.

The TRUSU Journalism and Communication Club was started in January 2024, and it seeks to connect students from the Journalism and Communications degree and provide them with resources.

Paige Kidder is one of the club’s founders. She said the club started after the existing “peer mentors” group in the journalism and communications department was disbanded. Organizers sought to create a place everyone in those programs could access.

“We’ve been doing biweekly meetings to discuss what we all want from the club and the journalism/communications program,” Kidder said. Among the topics discussed are activities like hosting guest speakers, workshops and alum socials.

In February, the club hosted a movie night featuring the Oscar-winning film Spotlight, which follows the work of investigative journalists. Organizers hope they can eventually expand to host a gala.

Aibiike Alymova, a former “peer mentor,” said that one of the goals of the new club was to make it feel more inclusive than the previous group.

“I remember I didn’t know anyone in my first year, while all of my friends had someone they knew in their program,” Alymova said.

Since it started, Janelle Rudolph, a fourth-year journalism student, has been an active club member. For her, the get-togethers are her favourite part.

“Everyone is really open and social, all coming together with the goal of making connections in the program,” Rudolph said.

According to Rudolph, one of the many club benefits is that students gain the opportunity to build a community, network more easily and broaden their skill sets.

Kidder seemed to agree, saying students are eager to participate in events.

“We want to create connections for [Bachelor of Communication and Digital Journalism] students and also want everyone interested to be able to participate in decision-making and community-building within the degree,” Kidder said.

According to organizers, the club is open to virtually everyone, regardless of whether or not they are enrolled in the journalism or communication programs.

Information on future events and meetings for the club can be found on the TRUSU JOURCOMM Club Instagram page.